The Indian government has recently introduced three bills in the Lok Sabha to replace the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), and the Indian Evidence Act. The bills are named Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill 2023, Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita Bill 2023, and Bharatiya Sakshya Bill 2023 [¹]. The bills are expected to be passed by the end of this year [²].
The new bills aim to overhaul the existing legal framework and bring about a change in the criminal justice system. The proposed laws will ensure that no case can continue for more than two years, which will result in the elimination of 70% negative energy [¹]. The new laws will focus on protecting the rights of Indian citizens and providing justice rather than punishment [⁴]. The current laws were enacted during British rule and have become outdated. The new laws will replace them with modern ones that are more relevant to current times [⁵].
The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill 2023 is a proposed replacement for the IPC. The Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita Bill 2023 is envisioned to replace the CrPC. The Bharatiya Sakshya Bill 2023 is set to replace the Evidence Act [⁵]. The new laws will eliminate several outdated provisions and introduce new ones that are more relevant to current times. For example, the new laws will introduce provisions for cybercrime, which is not covered under the current laws [⁵].
The need for these new laws arises from the fact that the current laws are outdated and do not reflect modern times. The new laws will bring about a change in the criminal justice system and ensure that justice is provided to all citizens. The proposed laws will also ensure that cases do not drag on for years, which is a common problem with the current system. The new laws will also introduce provisions for cybercrime, which is a growing concern in India [⁵].
In conclusion, the proposed bills are expected to bring about a change in the criminal justice system in India. The new laws will replace outdated provisions with modern ones that are more relevant to current times. The proposed laws will also ensure that justice is provided to all citizens and cases do not drag on for years. Overall, these new bills are a step in the right direction towards ensuring a fair and just society.
(1) Three bills to replace IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act will eliminate 70 pc ....
(2) Three bills to replace IPC, CrPC, Indian Evidence Act introduced in Lok ....
(3) Govt to bring criminal laws to replace IPC, CrPC and Evidence Act by year-end: Report.
(4) Key Changes in IPC, CrPC, and the Evidence Act in 2023 | Legal Reforms ....
(5) RS Chairman Refers Replacement Bills For IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act To Standing Committee On Home Affairs.
(6) IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act, New Criminal Laws: Centre Has A Plan To Bring ....
(7) Bar Council wants Criminal Law Bills withdrawn, MHAA holds stir.
(8) Madras Bar Association Agitates Against Bills Slated To Repeal IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act.
(9) Rajya Sabha chairman Dhankar refers 3 bills to replace IPC, CrPC ....